Scott Bryce
Pictures Then

This is a candid taken in the Graphics Arts classroom near the end of our senior year.



This was taken shortly after graduation, and after about 7 inches of hair were cut off.



The Washington Association of Theatre Arts 
Drama Competition 
Western Washington State University 
Bellingham, 1976
In the picture 
Standing above everyone 
Wayne Barnes 
Standing in back row, left to right 
Joel Abdo (Class of 1978) 
Sue Marinelli (White sleeves, holding plaque. Class of 1976) 
Scott Bryce (Red shirt, arm around Sue) 
Scott Herzog(?) (Camera to face) 
Alex Sargeant (Sunglasses) 
Leanna Splinter (Class of 1978) 
Monty Hurst (Directly below Wayne) 
Gordon Warren (Brown jacket and sweater) 
Coleen Monaghan (Class of 1978) 
Tammie Vidos (White shirt) 
Kathy Meyer (Yellow jacket. Class of 1978) 
Evan Ferwerda (Class of 1978) 
Front row, left to right 
Don Hicklin (Seated, holding plaque. Class of 1976) 
Mark Lindsey (Standing. Class of 1978) 
Kurt Armbruster (Blue vest) 
Leslie Wolfin (Class of 1978) 
Mike Oaks (Bag in arms. Class of 1978) 
Liz Henson (Standing, white sweater, slacks and hair) 
Jolene Cannon (Class of 1976) 
Jan Heikkinen (Reaching up, face not visible.) 
Chris DePhelps (Yellow shirt) 
Thanks to Scott Herzog, Chris DePhelps, Wayne Barnes and Alex Sargeant for their help identifying the people in this photo.