Paula Bolts (Parks)

Living in
Redmond Wa

Marital status
Better than chocolate - 22 yrs

How/where I met my spouse
Boeing, Aerospace - Kent. We met when I wasn't interested or looking. He decided he would was going to marry me. Be careful what you wish for!

Good - I have all thats important.

Blessed with a beautiful 17yr old daughter

Work with autistic children

Personal website

Saddened! Outraged! Amazed at the ease in which so many are mindlessly led by politics, religion and love............need I say more.

After high school I...
Married after graduation. Spent some time in Texas, California, Alaska. Decided there's no place like home. Started over. Spent a lot of time boating the Canadian Gulf Islands. Traveling and camping out of an old van. Enjoying my family

Bellevue Comm. College, Renton Tech. College

Major accomplishments/events since high school
I think if you can hold a marriage/relationship together for 20+ years these stressful days, thats accomplishment enough!

Unfulfilled dream
To see and dive Australia, Motor bike across the country and Europe. Write, learn to paint and be happy with it. Live in the San Juans. A larger family. Have time (and $) to enjoy a motorsailer, and be close to my high school weight again.

Other comments
The speed of light is nothing compared to the speed of life!