DeeAnn Grimes (Saber)


Living in
Tucson, Arizona

Marital status
Married to Zach Saber

How/where I met my spouse
We were friends for 10 years having met in Massage school, before dating and marrying.

I live with my husband and our two dogs in our own home near our office. We have a spectacular view, our own pool and gardens.

None but do 4 leggeds count?

I am a Naturopathic Physician and own a wellness center here in Tucson

Personal website

Business website

A tree hugging democrat

After high school I...
I worked retail. I started a travel company, the MIR Corporation with my brother and his wife. With that travel company I started working overseas, primarily in Russia. Later I went back to school and studied massage where I discovered Bastyr University which propelled me into becoming a doctor.

University of Washington - BA in Theater 
Brenneke School of Massage - LMP/LMT 
Seattle Central and South Community Colleges - Medical prerequisites. 
Bastyr University - Masters as a Naturopathic Doctor.

Major accomplishments/events since high school
I lived and worked in Moscow, Russia, traveling all over the former Soviet Union leading tour groups for the MIR Corporation and running the Moscow office. Later I studied massage then went into medicine. Now my husband and I run an Integrative clinic with a great group of health care providers.

Hobbies/personal interests
Dancing, movies, reading, walks, swimming, travel, my dogs and our horse.

Unfulfilled dream
To take my husband to Russia so he can see and experience my second home.

Other comments
I am sorry to miss this!!