Holly Little (McGeough)

Living in
Vashon Island, WA

Marital status

How/where I met my spouse
Kodiak, Alaska

Living in Vashon Island, WA. Have 2 sons graduating University next Spring. One at QUEST University in British Columbia, and one at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Co. One a scientist and one an economist and pro cycler. I went back to school and earned another BS in Nursing and work for a home care agency per case. Just back from 2 1/2 months in Italy, and time for back to school.

3 boys.

Take care of my family and a RN-BSN

Ready to move to Italy!! Dual US/EU citizen

After high school I...
worked in Alaska as QA, student at Evergreen st College BS, lived in Queensland, Australia then owned and operated resort in Vanuatu for 3 years. Home to raise children to seattle. Just finished up a BS in Nursing

Evergreen BS 
Colorado Mountain College BSN-RN remote program.

Major accomplishments/events since high school
worked on Deadliest catch king crab boats, ran salmon tenders with husband, owned and operated resort in remote Tanna Island in Vanuatu, had 3 boys, traveled all over Italy and currently working on a plan to spend at least 1/2 of the year in Italy. Earned BS in nursing after boys went to university.

Hobbies/personal interests
Ski, Italy, Mountains, wine

Unfulfilled dream
move to Italy, live, start a business. 
Getting closer all the time.

Other comments
Have fun at the reunion!!