Lori Magraw (Johnson)

Living in
Pukalani, Maui, Hawaii

Marital status

How/where I met my spouse

Married 33 years



After high school I...
College, played lots of soccer, traveled throughout Asia (still love that part of the world!) and married, lived in Oahu and then onto Colorado. 10 years and 3 kids later off to Papua New Guinea. Added another to the family and then another 9 years later back to Hawaii. Living God's dream for us.

UW. Kinesiology BA/ Teacher Degree

Major accomplishments/events since high school
Married 33 years. Raised 4 children (still have one at home-12 year old) that are responsible, loving and serving God in their own way. Started a ministry in Colorado that continues to thrive. Living in the mountains of Papua New Guinea with my family for almost 9 years. Finally making our way back to Hawaii to live and thrive.

Hobbies/personal interests
Swimming, snorkeling, anything at the ocean. Traveling and teaching Health care in undeveloped countries. Reading, gardening and playing soccer anytime I can!

Unfulfilled dream
There are moments I would have never dreamed to have done so never want to limit my "bucketlist!" I've loved my life and look forward to continuing living God's dream for my life.

Other comments
Aloha to all. I have such happy, fun and wild memories of High School. God's blessings to you all.