Valerie Maher (Gulrajani)

Living in
Puyallup - now called "pile up" due to traffic

Marital status
I have to say I'm legally bound

How/where I met my spouse
church singles group - the only reason he took an interest is because one of his friends was interested in me too

thankful for a house with a bed and my own office

4 + 3

Registered Nurse

republican, but I look at both sides

After high school I...
went to BYU, danced on a latin ballroom team for 1 semester, went home and worked

Highline Comm College 91-93: RN degree 
Univ of Wash Tacoma graduated with BSN June 2007

Major accomplishments/events since high school
having four babies, Associate of Nursing in June 1993, surviving one divorce, acquiring and loving three addl children, grandma x 3, Bachelor of Nursing in June 2007, acceptance to grad school in Sep 2007, having a positive attitude even though life can be challenging

Hobbies/personal interests
Sewing, cooking, baking, riding my horse Roxy, ballroom dancing, leather work, gardening, family history and research, laughing uncontrollably (I still giggle too), writing fiction (currently working on a project)

Unfulfilled dream
To become a well known medical mystery author, starting a ranch for rescue horses and homeless pregnant teens, having a whipped cream fight with a good friend, to finally have Mark MacPhail agree to go to tolo with me (he refused me twice in high school!)

Other comments
I love life!!