Shelly Raketty

Living in
Everett, WA

Marital status

How/where I met my spouse

Me and my stinkin' cute puppy

None, unless you count the ones I work with

High School Counselor

Personal website

Independent with Democratic leanings

After high school I...
Went to college for 4 years, then worked my way to and through my masters degree with various jobs.

Edmonds CC, then Eastern Washington U for my BA in BS (Applied Psychology), and finally a M.Ed in Secondary School Counseling from Seattle Pacific University

Major accomplishments/events since high school
Getting my masters degree, working in the schools since 1991, finding my stinkin cute puppy, travelling out of country to England and Scotland for the first time this year, owning my own condo and car. I am sure there are others that escape my mind at this time. . .

Hobbies/personal interests
Pilates, reading, music, playing with the puppy, playing on the computer some, listening to the Mariners and Seahawks games, going to the Everett Silvertips games, gardening, keeping in touch with friends. . .

Unfulfilled dream
To see the rest of Britain, Australia and New Zealand, and Japan. Getting back into riding dressage. Otherwise, I have realized many of my dreams and goals - I am truly blessed.