Raelene Ramos (Jarvis)

Living in
Vancouver WA

Marital status

Fiancé and two pups

Four - Kate, Rachel, Lance, and Adam. Four grandchildren and two babies on the way.

Nurse Manager (RN) for Urgent Care.

Personal website
On Facebook

After high school I...
Attended UW, then met and married a Navy man. We moved to Norfolk, Virginia, and had four children. Moved back to the West Coast and settled in Vancouver in 1997. Divorced, kids grew up and then married. Been in nursing over 35 years.

Old Dominion University (Norfolk VA) - MS in Nursing

Hobbies/personal interests
I'm was a medical volunteer with Operation Smile - we repair cleft lip and cleft palates for children around the world. I volunteered on 20 medical missions to 11 different countries, including Russia, Kenya, Morocco, Philippines, Jordan, Gaza, India, and Honduras. 
I'm also a nurse responder with the National Disaster Medical System on the Oregon Disaster Medical Team (OR-2) under FEMA. I've responded to disasters in the US including NYC after 9/11, American Samoa, and hurricanes in New Orleans, Texas, and Florida.

Other comments
Looking forward to the reunion, and catching up with everyone.