Steven W. Secord's

Living in
The Liberal state of Oregon

Marital status
I had dinner with a friend recently while in California and she said I focus to much on my career and that's why my relationships often suffer. "I guess I should try and balance both a little bit better" So I am single and looking for that special lady

Life is good and I have been very Blessed "Thanks Lord"

Two Girls - Shannon and Meghan.

Real Estate Broker ** Hotel management ** Shipping & Receiving Manager ** Radio personality ** Airline Personnel

Personal website
Coming Soon

Business website
Coming Soon, After a long delay it's on the way

Other website
Yes our website is up

Very conservative in a very liberal state. I just love to be involved in a political conversation and having Rush's name pop up, and/or have the O'Reilly factor come into play

After high school I...
I went to work the day after graduation I had many jobs before I really sat down and figured out what I wanted to do. I moved from Issaquah and went to work for a radio station. Which was a lot of fun. I then wanted to explore other areas so I went back to school and became a real estate broker. After that I went back to school once again to study law. I was also a manager for the Red lion hotel, and I will be opening an on-line business soon.

Real Estate School, Real Estate Law, Basic Law, Business Law and Airline School

Major accomplishments/events since high school
I've been to Denmark Portugal Sweden Germany and many other places that slip my mind at this time. I have had the opportunity to meet many celebrity types. I had job offers with both Continental and United Airlines in the mid 1980's as an in flight steward. Because of other commitments however; I was unable to accept the position. I also enjoyed Hanging out with the Doobie Brothers, Chicago and spending time with Phil Collins and James Best "Rosco" & Sonny Shroyer "Enos" both from The Dukes of Hazzard, and of course Bill Shatner "James T. Kirk" and James Doohan "Scotty" both of Star Trek, and seeing Laura Bush our first lady. Thank you it was quite the experience meeting and being with all you.

Hobbies/personal interests
Biking ** Watching Fox News ** being with friends ** playing & listening to 70's music ** Going to concerts ** the coast ** and of course vacation can't get enough of that. Something else I really enjoy is working on and restoring cars. Its nice to see these cars of yesterday back on the road again. We are in the process of bringing a Firebird/TA back to life "I am happy to report that it is out of I.C.U." and I must say its starting to look like one sweet bird. We have had 4 offers on it in a 2 week period. We can't go anywhere without someone commenting on the car its a great feeling and much appreciated.

Unfulfilled dream
The completion of my law degree & The field of Forensics. Seeing and meeting three of my favorite performers Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr, Neil Sedaka & Earth Wind & Fire. 
I hope sometime I'll get the chance to meet you, Thank you for the awsome music.

Other comments
I look forward to returning to radio at some point. I am also looking forward to the 30 year reunion and seeing the best of 1977. I am very saddened to see the memorial list of names of my classmates. Alot of you were my friends and some of you I didn"t know. I will miss you all.Its like loosing a part of your family. "God be with you" 
It was great seeing all of you at the thirty year reunion. Because of other commitments we could only stay for a few hours and had to return home that night. One thing I know for sure I'm not eighteen any longer. Take care, be safe and see you at the 35th.