Tami Tupper (King)

Living in
Marysville, WA

Marital status

How/where I met my spouse
Bellevue, WA

I live with Craig, my husband of 36 years, youngest son Ryan, age 16, & Boomer, our Cocker Spaniel

4: Erin - 30, Justin - 28, Katie - 18, and Ryan - 16

Sr. Accountant, Snohomish County PUD


After high school I...
travel, college, flight attendant,  
married, church, work, play, 
2 children, kids' sports, church, work,  
2 more children, kids' sports, church, work,  
3 grandchildren, kids' sports, church, & still working, but finding more time to play these days.

University of Washington, BA Business

Major accomplishments/events since high school
Christian - rededicated my life to Christ at 22. 
Married 36 years to Craig, the love of my life. 
Raised (still raising) 4 beautiful children, 2 girls and 2 boys. 
Loving 3 grandchildren.

Hobbies/personal interests
Gardening, travel, kids' sports, church activities.

Unfulfilled dream
Travel to Scandinavia, Mediterranean, and the Holy Lands

Other comments
I'm looking forward to another great reunion and catching up with my Purple and Gold friends.